Character C - Juwisi (Prod. Alliance Records) - Character C - Juwisi (Prod. Alliance Records) lyrics


Character C - Juwisi (Prod. Alliance Records) | Character C - Juwisi (Prod. Alliance Records) Lyrics

zi mandiwaza uka bwera kwathu//
mandiuza chawa te tivine shakushaku//
but before we do that gimme an example//
ukatero uyambe ku ndi phulitsa zi phuphu//
bend over for me, me say girl whine Fi di Don//
can't get another girl, me say whine Fi yo man//
every body know say you my number one//
palibe two palibe three you are the only one//
Toti mmene indizunguzira ubongo bwanga nchimodzimodzi iweyo//
like every man a need daily bread mmakufuna daily //
Tik Tok iwe mwatitha ee girl umayitha//
ukandigwira thupili manyitsa //
zomwe wavalazo iwe tatsitsa//

Juice iwe juice//
Chipha dzuwa ndi nthuzi
iwe nthuzi//
juwisi kumwerera ngati nsunzi//
chiphadzuwa ndiwe nthuzi
kumwerera ngati juwisi//

ju zosatheka kukhala one ju//
I will stick on you like a bamboo
ndikusitha dzina ukhala make ju//
can't wait till I say that I do//
a a a I will never play you for a fool//
a a a ukhale nzanga //
Toti mmene indizunguzira ubongo bwanga nchimodzimodzi iweyo//
like every man a need daily bread mmakufuna daily //
Tik Tok iwe mwatitha ee girl umayitha//
ukandigwira thupili manyitsa //
zomwe wavalazo iwe tatsitsa//

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