X-K - Side To Side - X-K - Side To Side lyrics


X-K - Side To Side | X-K - Side To Side Lyrics

Ah, Yeah

I go by the name of I go
X-K on the beat
I go by the name of
X-K Magnum!
I go by the name of
Sispence on the mix
I go by the name of
X-K Magnum!

I can take you with me
If you wanna explore
Inner Space for Love Birds
Does it ring a bell?
First get to know me
Don’t get me wrong
Am tired of trying hard
To get you in the zone
Now you know you like it
When we talk dirty
You believe I’ve got the
Right size to blow your mind
X-K Xtra
Klin Big Booty!
Let me see it from inside
Just give me a sign

Like Disco lights
In the mix of life
We realize
What we visualize
Sometimes we go freaky!
I mean real freaky
And then ecstasy
More than words can say

Oh yeah
Big Booty!
Oh yeah
The way you move it!
Oh yeah
Big Booty!
Oh yeah
From Side to Side!
Oh yeah
Big Booty!
The way you move it!
Big Booty!
From Side to Side!
Oh yeah

I didn't know that
I like girls with a Big Booty!
Especially in Blue Jeans
Long Boots!
I didn't know that
Chocolate Brown in White Bikini
Look so good like
Strawberry in Vanilla Ice
No need to throw a Dice
Just a look in your eyes
I know you really nice
Whatever Bride Price
Wanna pay twice
You the first and only one
To make me go thrice

Like Disco lights
In the mix of life
We realize
What we visualize
Sometimes we go freaky!
I mean real freaky
And then ecstasy
More than words can say

Oh yeah
Big Booty!
Oh yeah
The way you move it!
Oh yeah
Big Booty!
Oh yeah
From Side to Side!
Oh yeah
Big Booty!
The way you move it!
Big Booty!
From Side to Side!
Oh yeah
Big Booty!
Oh yeah
The way you move it!
Oh yeah
Big Booty!
Oh yeah
From Side to Side!
Oh yeah
Big Booty!
The way you move it!
Big Booty!
From Side to Side!
Oh yeah

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