Bandits kill police officer in Ndirande-Malawi Music Downloader

Bandits on Tuesday night assaulted a police officer based at Ndirande Police Station in Blantyre who later died at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH).

South West Police Region spokesperson Joseph Sauka said in an interview the officer, identified as Sub Inspector Boniface Kumundayayi, was on his way home when he met the assailants.

He said after the attack, the officer was robbed of two mobile phones and other valuables.

“He was later found unconscious in the morning hours and taken to QECH where he died while receiving treatment,” said Sauka.

Meanwhile, police have arrested two suspects in connection with the incident and the mobile phones have been recovered from one of the suspects as investigations are ongoing.

A progress police report we have seen identifies the suspects as Ganizani Baluti, 18, from Manjolo Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Nsabwe in Thyolo and Davie Navaya, 33, from Misongwe Village, T/A Ngabu in Chikwawa.

The report states that the first suspect, Baluti, offered for sale the mobile phones to the second suspect, Navaya. The report says two other suspects are on the run.

The deceased, 43, came from Fossa Village, T/A. Kachere in Dedza.

In recent months, crime has been on the rise with people being assaulted and houses and vehicles broken into. The United States of America embassy in Lilongwe also issued an alert to its staff and that country’s citizens resident in Malawi.

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